Wednesday, January 30, 2013


At this point in the field of education we know the value of incorporating technology into our instructional strategies and classrooms more generally. But what types of technology promote both learning and motivation for students?

This is an interesting question, as it has formed the theme for my upcoming presentation about appealing to the net generation or generation z. Spoiler alert: To avoid giving away too much of my groups presentation  ideas, I will examine only one article that attempts to answer the question 'what technology do you have in your class?'

The Ontario College of Teachers published an article recently about this topic in their Professionally Speaking magazine. This article looks at leading-edge uses of technology in the classroom as ways to enhance the curriculum.

Danika Baker OCT, is a media-literacy and English teacher at the high school level. Baker proposed the solution of using digital tools to address the problem of engaging her texting grade 12 students. Baker is undergoing an experiment with her students to use Twitter to role-play Hamlet.
I wonder what the hash tag was? #ToThineOwnSelfBeTrue #ToBeOrNotToBe #ThatIsTheQuestion #WordsWordsWords ...Can you tell I love Hamlet?

Baker is a tech-savvy teacher that uses digital tools from Glogster to Bitstrips and Twitter to Voicethread. What is most inspiring about her courageous and bold experimentation with technology, is how she expressed that the learning continues after something has been handed in, marked and returned. The dialogue is interactive and  living. Baker ends her article with the encouraging words "you can do it too".

Ultimately we are living in the 21st century and teaching students who are digitally native. Welcome to the future of education, embrace it, love it, do it!

Yours truly, 
the tech savvy classy

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

ISTE Standard for Students:: Digital Citizenship

Pinned Image
Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

Week 2...GeT cOnNeCTeD

In the process of becoming a certified teacher I have flipped through the Ontario College of Teacher's Standards of Practice booklet ( numerous times. So quite naturally, I couldn't help but make the connections between the standards outlined in the OCT's document with those of the International Society for Technology in Education (iste.nets), also known as Net's Standards (

Both of these documents focus on the importance for student and student learning by taking a clear and directed stance on teaching and assessement that is student-centred. Another link I made between these two documents are their emphasis on professional knowledge (whether it be as a teacher or digital teacher) and ongoing professional knowledge such as keeping up-to-date and using digital tools effectively.

Upon visiting Net's Standards website, I noticed the standards placed capital on inspiring students to be creative! I love any movement that nourishes the creativity of students, which ultimately allows them to express themselves in both innovative and authenic ways.

The website is full of information regarding technology and education policy. Although written from an American perspective, its information and advocacy are relevant in North America more generally. The Net's Standrads of modelling digital age and promoting digital citizenship and responsibility are certainly areas already implemented in the Ontairo curriculum.
If interested, you can become a iste member, read the monthly blogs or follow its twitter timeline using the hashtag #edtech to keep connected.

Until next time keep it classy you tech savvy's!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Digital Evolution in Classroom Technology

ARTICLE: Thinking Globally - Professionally Speaking - Dec 2012

Thinking Globally - Professionally Speaking - Dec 2012

Click the link above for article.

This article is from the OCT's Professionally Speaking magazine demonstrates how a teacher effectively incorporated technology into her classroom to increase computer skills and keep her students globally connected! This is a great read! The teacher used e porfolios (, blogs (, skype and other online resources for her elementary social studies class.

Allow me to introduce myself...Reflection #1

Who... Are... You...? 

Who? Michelle Christian

What? Education Student who is interested in using technology effectively in the classroom. My interests include Dramatic and visual arts as a medium students can use to express themselves creatively. Differeniated instruction is also an area where my interests lie. DI means meeting students where they're at and understanding that one size of education doesn't necessarily fit all.
Where? Redeemer University, Hamilton Ontario

When? 2012-2013

Why? I took this course to increase my knowledge of technology and gain confidence in using different types of digital tools in my teaching startegies and for my students!

Why should educators use technology in education? My answer is WHY NOT! We are living in a time where information technology is continually evolving and changing the way we look at the world. Educators need to be innovative, and follow the professional standards of practice which include ongoing professional learning. From smart boards to digital simulations, the possibilities are endless. In my perspective it is in the teacher's best interest to be one-step-ahead of their digital native students, to show that as a professional you are relevant, knowledable, and tech savvy!